List Of Vice Presidents Of The United States
Here is the full list of all vice presidents of America.
There have been 49 vice presidents of America since 1789. Originally, the vice president was the person who received the second most votes for president in the Electoral College. However, a tie in the electoral college between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr in the election of 1800. then House of Representatives took the decision.
Check out the full list below.
List of vice presidents of the United States
# | Vice Presidents | Term | Party | Election | Presidents |
1.- | John Adams | April 21, 1789-March 4, 1797 | Pro-Administration/Federalist | 1788–89/1792 | George Washington |
2.- | Thomas Jefferson | March 4, 1797-March 4, 1801 | Democratic-Republican | 1796 | John Adams |
3.- | Aaron Burr | March 4, 1801-March 4, 1805 | Democratic-Republican | 1800 | Thomas Jefferson |
4.- | George Clinton | March 4, 1805-April 20, 1812 | Democratic-Republican | 1804/1808 | James Madison |
5.- | Elbridge Gerry | March 4, 1813-November 23, 1814 | Democratic-Republican | 1812 | James Madison |
6.- | Daniel D. Tompkins | March 4, 1817-March 4, 1825 | Democratic-Republican | 1816/1820 | James Monroe |
7.- | John C. Calhoun | March 4, 1825-December 28, 1832 | Democratic-Republican/Nullifier | 1824/1828 | John Q. Adams/Andrew Jackson |
8.- | Martin Van Buren | March 4, 1833-March 4, 1837 | Democratic | 1832 | Andrew Jackson |
9.- | Richard Mentor Johnson | March 4, 1837-March 4, 1841 | Democratic | 1836 | Martin Van Buren |
10.- | John Tyler | March 4, 1841-April 4, 1841 | Whig | 1840 | William H. Harrison |
11.- | George M. Dallas | March 4, 1845-March 4, 1849 | Democratics | 1844 | James K. Polk |
12.- | Millard Fillmore | March 4, 1849-July 9, 1850 | Whig | 1848 | Zachary Taylor |
13.- | William R. King | March 4, 1853-April 18, 1853 | Democratic | 1852 | Franklin Pierce |
14.- | John C. Breckinridge | March 4, 1857-March 4, 1861 | Democratic | 1856 | James Buchanan |
15.- | Hannibal Hamlin | March 4, 1861-March 4, 1865 | Republican | 1860 | Abraham Lincoln |
16.- | Andrew Johnson | March 4, 1865-April 15, 1865 | National Union | 1864 | Abraham Lincoln |
17.- | Schuyler Colfax | March 4, 1869-March 4, 1873 | Republican | 1868 | Ulysses S. Grant |
18.- | Henry Wilson | March 4, 1873-November 22, 1875 | Republican | 1872 | Ulysses S. Grant |
19.- | William A. Wheeler | March 4, 1877-March 4, 1881 | Republican | 1876 | Rutherford B. Hayes |
20.- | Chester A. Arthur | March 4, 1881-September 19, 1881 | Republican | 1880 | James A. Garfield |
21.- | Thomas A. Hendricks | March 4, 1885-November 25, 1885 | Democratic | 1884 | Grover Cleveland |
22.- | Levi P. Morton | March 4, 1889-March 4, 1893 | Republican | 1888 | Benjamin Harrison |
23.- | Adlai Stevenson I | March 4, 1893-March 4, 1897 | Democratic | 1892 | Grover Cleveland |
24.- | Garret Hobart | March 4, 1897-November 21, 1899 | Republican | 1896 | William McKinley |
25.- | Theodore Roosevelt | March 4, 1901-September 14, 1901 | Republican | 1900 | William McKinley |
26.- | Charles W. Fairbanks | March 4, 1905-March 4, 1909 | Republican | 1904 | Theodore Roosevelt |
27.- | James S. Sherman | March 4, 1909-October 30, 1912 | Republican | 1908 | William H. Taft |
28.- | Thomas R. Marshall | March 4, 1913-March 4, 1921 | Democratic | 1912/1916 | Woodrow Wilson |
29.- | Calvin Coolidge | March 4, 1921-August 2, 1923 | Republican | 1920 | Warren G. Harding |
30.- | Charles G. Dawes | March 4, 1925-March 4, 1929 | Republican | 1924 | Calvin Coolidge |
31.- | Charles Curtis | March 4, 1929-March 4, 1933 | Republican | 1928 | Herbert Hoover |
32.- | John Nance Garner | March 4, 1933-January 20, 1941 | Democratic | 1932/1936 | Franklin D. Roosevelt |
33.- | Henry A. Wallace | January 20, 1941-January 20, 1945 | Democratic | 1940 | Franklin D. Roosevelt |
34.- | Harry S. Truman | January 20, 1945-April 12, 1945 | Democratic | 1944 | Franklin D. Roosevelt |
35.- | Alben W. Barkley | January 20, 1949-January 20, 1953 | Democratic | 1948 | Harry S. Truman |
36.- | Richard Nixon | January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961 | Republican | 1952/1956 | Dwight D. Eisenhowe |
37.- | Lyndon B. Johnson | January 20, 1961-November 22, 1963 | Democratic | 1960 | John F. Kennedy |
38.- | Hubert Humphrey | January 20, 1965-January 20, 1969 | Democratic | 1964 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
39.- | Spiro Agnew | January 20, 1969-October 10, 1973 | Republican | 1968 | Richard Nixon |
40.- | Gerald Ford | December 6, 1973-August 9, 1974 | Republican | 1972 | Richard Nixon |
41.- | Nelson Rockefeller | December 19, 1974-January 20, 1977 | Republican | 1972 | Gerald Ford |
42.- | Walter Mondale | January 20, 1977-January 20, 1981 | Democratic | 1976 | Jimmy Carter |
43.- | George H. W. Bush | January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989 | Republican | 1980/1984 | Ronald Reagan |
44.- | Dan Quayle | January 20, 1989-January 20, 1993 | Republican | 1988 | George H. W. Bush |
45.- | Al Gore | January 20, 1993-January 20, 2001 | Democratic | 1992/1996 | Bill Clinton |
46.- | Dick Cheney | January 20, 2001-January 20, 2009 | Republican | 2000/2004 | George W. Bush |
47.- | Joe Biden | January 20, 2009-January 20, 2017 | Democratic | 2008/2012 | Barack Obama |
48.- | Mike Pence | January 20, 2017-January 20, 2021 | Republican | 2016 | Donald Trump |
49.- | Kamala Harris | January 20, 2021-Incumbent | Democratic | 2020 | Joe Biden |
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