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WWE SmackDown: Sasha Banks Vs. Bayley In A Rematch

WWE SmackDown: Sasha Banks Vs. Bayley In A Rematch

Views: 2525 | | By Jitu Jangir

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The big night kick off with the brand new SmackDown Women's Champion Sasha Banks, she walked towards the ring.

We kicked off the previous storyline as Bayley appeared backstage with Kayla. Bayley stated that she relishes putting that chair around her neck. She headed towards the ring to pick her opportunity for SmackDown Women's Championship.

Bayley was clear to fight back as she was forced to lay down her title. The Bell rang as they locked the horns, Banks off the top rope, deeply arm drag, Banks looked for Backslide, but Bayley instead did. Nice takedown from Sasha Banks, Bayley out of the way to ringside. Sasha Banks was in control in the match.

Back from the commercial break, as Bayley picked up some speed, Banks drove Bayley right crashing into the apron, Bayley and Sasha Banks on the top of the apron. Sasha Banks with Double knee strike into the ring post.

Sasha Banks went for another, but this time Bayley with defensive manure to take Banks off the apron. Bayley got Banks back to the ring for the cover but kicked out at one.

Sasha Banks followed up a Double knee and then went for something else, but connected a big Clothesline, Bayley and Banks on the top of the turnbuckle. Banks was able to a takedown with a Double knee. They both down, Banks crawled out for the cover, but Bayley rolled out of the ring. Banks wiped out Bayley with Crossbody off the apron. Back from the commercial break.

Sasha Banks with apron elbow got Bayley into the ring. Banks up to the turnbuckle and from the heavens with Frog Splash for the cover, but kicked out at two. Bayley recovered as Sasha Banks looked for the Banks Statement. Bayley got a kendo stick, but the referee snatched it, Bayley got a chair and leaped to have it on Banks, but Banks got rid of the chair by throwing it. Suddenly.

Bayley appeared with Back Stabber and then Belly to Belly for the cover, but kicked out at two. Bayley went up to the top of the turnbuckle with a massive flying Elbow for another cover but kicked out at two. Running knee caught Banks, Bayley with Suplex for the cover, but kicked out.

Bayley followed up with a running knee which crashed into the ring post, Sasha Banks didn't waste her time in performing Banks Statement to win the match.

Winner: Sasha Banks, won via submission

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