UFC 253 Results: Hakeem Dawodu Vs. Zubaira Tukhugov Fight Winner
1st Round:The first round opened up with a low kick from Hakeem, both with the movement taking no risk. However, Hakeen had a couple of low kicks, a nice left hook from Zubaira Tukhugov. A low kick from Hakeem, Zubaira Tukhugov pushed him a little back against the fence. Inside leg kick for Hakeem. Right hand from Zubaira Tukhugov, Zubaira Tukhugov started a little bit more aggressive. The first round ended here.
2nd Round: Second round opened up, Nice switch kick from Hakeem, Hakeem was able to spin but couldn't land it with the leg. Uppercut landed for Zubaira Tukhugov, Low kick for Hakeem, Uppercut from Zubaira Tukhugov, there was again from Zubaira Tukhugov, right hand from Hakeem. A beautiful low kick from Hakeem, big low kick from Hakeem. The first level changed as Zubaira Tukhugov took him in the grab against the fence. Nice lower shot from Hakeem, Zubaira Tukhugov was able to get the Takedown here.
Zubaira Tukhugov continued to have grabbed on Hakeem as he was down. Hakeem with a nice try to get up as the round ended here.
3rd Round: Round three commenced, they both were in good shape, Low kick and Uppercut from Hakeem, but could not land them. A low kick from Hakeem, Zubaira Tukhugov seemed to be moving a little bit well, Zubaira Tukhugov with a try for a takedown, but defense from Hakeem, huge right hand landed from Zubaira Tukhugov, They both with a clinch against the fence. Zubaira Tukhugov with a good attempt, apparently avoiding a takedown.
Nice right hand from Hakeem, Hakeem was a little hyped. short clinch here, big right hand from Hakeem, Hakeem with a trash-talking, Zubaira Tukhugov with movement to avoid the fight as the round ended here.
Winner: Hakeem Dawodu, victory followed by split decision (30-27, 29-28)
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