UFC 253 Results: Sijara Eubanks vs. Ketlen Vieira Fight Winner
1st Round:First round opened up with a touch of gulfs, Ketlen wasted no time to close the distance with a clinch against the fence. Nice combination from Ketlen with that Jab. Nice leg kick from Sijara Eubanks, Uppercut from Sijara Eubanks. Ketlen wanted to have clinch in the fight as she once again in the middle of the octagon, nice takedown defense from Sijara Eubanks. Heavy shots from Ketlen, but got some back from Sijara Eubanks. Nice Jab from Sijara Eubanks, Nice body shot from Sijara Eubanks.
Snap right hand from Sijara Eubanks, Nice punch fro the head for Ketlen. Both with a rush and then a takedown from Ketlen as the round ended here.
2nd Round:High kick from Sijara Eubanks, but nice defense, Ketlen with an early-round takedown, This was her second takedown. Ketlen took Sijara Eubanks against the fence as the Takedown continued, Sijara Eubanks was trying to make an angle. The referee got them freed up, as they back in the middle. Snapshots from Sijara Eubanks, but nice counter from Ketlen. Sijara Eubanks with a couple of nice Jabs.
Nice right hand from Ketlen, Beatifull Bodykick to Ketlen, nice Jab landed for Ketlen. Sijara Eubanks with Bodykick towards the end. Assaulting right hands from both the fighters as the round ended here.
3rd Round: We kicked the third round with a nice couple of good right hands from Sijara Eubanks. There was a left hook from Sijara Eubanks, a massive high kick from Sijara Eubanks. Sijara Eubanks was finding some big shots she wanted to win the fight. Inside low kick from Sijara Eubanks. Both women landing Uppercuts, Sijara Eubanks with the left hand a moment ago. A nice shot landed to the body from Ketlen. Ketlen with a try for Takedown, but Sijara Eubanks stood up. Body kick from Sijara Eubanks. Nice job from Sijara Eubanks as she with a takedown, Submission attempt from Ketlen. Sijara Eubanks with a couple of right hands as the round ended here.
Winner: Sijara Eubanks, victory followed by Unanimous decision(29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
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